
Satisfying the Inner Philanthropist

Alan Ball

CASE Service
CASE District VII Board of Directors

Day Job
Director of Annual Giving at Harvard-Westlake School

Evening Job
iPad2 junkie: learning the ins and outs of becoming a dedicated Mac person

Inspired By
I really like seeing the joy that a donor experiences when they make a gift that satisfies their "inner-philanthropist." I am also a sucker for reality shows like "Secret Millionaire" and "Undercover Boss." The element of unexpected appreciation is a powerful thing and I like to see that it still exists.

Your Greatest Influence
My mom and dad have made a deep and lasting impact on me. They modeled for me hard work and perseverance as well as made personal sacrifices for my sister and me. They taught me to not be bashful about dreaming and reaching for what I never thought possible.

A Turning Point in Life
Getting 1K status on United Airlines (Haha!!). Seriously, one was completing an MBA at Pepperdine. That program opened me to a whole new circle of friends, reinforced my belief in "Possibility Thinking" and expanded my ability as a "big picture thinker."

How would you like to be remembered? 
As a kind person who is a dreamer.

What do you enjoy about your CASE membership? 
CASE has given me an incredible network of friends and colleagues from all over the world of all backgrounds and institution sizes as well as different needs and abilities. I am never at a loss of who to call, but also enjoy being a resource for others. So I guess in one word, it is network. CASE is like a professional match-maker!

Favorite quote? 
"If you can dream it, you can do it! " –Walt Disney

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